
Välkommen till Arimneste Anima Museum, ett kulturmagasin, bibliotek och museum som sedan 2016 ställer ut litteratur, konst och reflektioner i fyra nummer per år online. Bilderna kan ses högupplöst genom att klicka på dem. För citering och hänvisningar vänligen kontakta Lisa Gålmark på nedan adress alternativt ange: Arimneste Anima Museum samt artikelns titel med #nr och år.

Welcome to Arimneste Anima Museum, a cultural magazine, library, and museum based in Stockholm, Sweden since 2016 exhibiting literature, art, and reflections in four issues per year online. The photographs can be seen in high resolution by clicking on them. If you would like to quote or make a reference, please contact author and editor Lisa Gålmark at the address below, or use the reference Arimneste Anima Museum # with issue no and year.

ISSN 2002-7133

Arimneste is published by the Arimneste Anima Museum Association.

Since attendance to Arimneste Anima Museum’s reflections is free, financial contributions and donations of any size are greatly appreciated.

BG 5128-0071 or Swish 123 698 03 95


Photo Keith Haring mural photo by AJA (2016)

© Arimneste Anima Museum 2024